Thursday, March 8, 2012

homemade mozzarella

Made it! It went great with our chicken piccata tonight!
Okay, you can make this ONLY if you pronounce it correctly!! It is mootz-ah-relle or you can pronounce the a on the end. If you say mahtz-ah-rella, it makes me want to slap you!!
It turned out okay. I think next time, I want to try and work with it a bit less, so it's softer.

You need: 1 gallon milk (pasteurized, but not ultra-pasteurized. If you can get it fresh, it would probably be a whole lot better!)
                 1/4 rennet tablet (you can get them on Amazon) dissolved in 1/4 cup COLD water (not tap water)
                 1 1/2 tsp. citric acid dissolved in 1 1/2 cups COLD water (not tap water)
                 salt or seasonings to taste
   **Amazon sells a great mozzarella making kit. It has the rennet, citric acid, thermometer, gloves, and cheese salt
-in huge, non-metallic pot, heat the milk to 85 degrees.
-add citric acid water, and stir with whisk for 20 seconds
-bring temp up to 100 degrees
-add rennet water, and whisk or stir with slotted spoon for 30 seconds (no more!)
-when temp reaches 105, turn off the heat and cover.
-in 10 minutes, check to see if the curd (part that looks like cottage cheese) indents after you press it with the back of a spoon. If not, give it a few more minutes.
-carefully using a slotted spoon, move the curds to a colander (inside of a big bowl).
-press with the spoon until whey (the yellow-y liquid)all comes out. This took me about 7 minutes.
-transfer to a large microwave-safe bowl and heat in microwave for 1 minute.
-move back to colander and squeeze more whey out. fold curds and press together.
-put back in bowl and heat for another 30-45 seconds (curds should be 135 degrees)
-knead with hands or spoon until shiny and firming up (took me like 4 minutes)
-stretch the cheese by lifting half and stretching, then drop and shape.

I made 4 balls out of this recipe. You get about a pound total. But my hands were burning and I wanted to be quick, so I didn't do any fancy braids or anything.

Enjoy!! If you make this, let me know how it turns out for you!! =)



  1. wow, Danielle, that's so cool! You'll have to make me some when I see you! :)

  2. Definitely, Pow!! As long as they let me bring the rennet and citric acid on the plane!! =)
